7 Things I Learned from Curl Craft Texture Education Training

My colleague Liz Youngman and I got to spend one week in L.A. earlier this winter. And believe it or not, it wasn’t the weather I loved the most!  It was the incredible texture education class we took at Wella Studios, specifically the new Curl Craft series. 

Here are my top takeaways and what it means for my coworkers and our clients back here in Minnesota.

1. Prepare your clients

Our educators put huge emphasis on preparing clients for their service, including consulting ahead of time. Specifically, asking their clients to come thoroughly detangled for any service, both to help with their service timing and to avoid detangling fees. 

2. Focus on shampooing

Honestly, my biggest takeaway was shampooing. We spent the majority of the first day just talking about how to properly cleanse the hair. 

3. Maximize moisture

We also talked about how to get maximum moisture into the hair by using steamers and other tools while you are conditioning the hair. 

4. Cut hair when dry

A huge “ah ha” for me! We literally didn’t even use a comb. Instead, we sectioned the hair with chopped sticks and pinched in our fingers what we wanted to cut. I really enjoyed this technique because it was very different from other classes I have taken. 

5. Color curls kindly

When we talked about coloring curls, we talked about prioritizing the health of the hair, using treatments that won’t destroy the curls. I also learned how to color curls without straightening them. 

6. Bow to the braid

The last day was probably the most mind blowing because we went over box braids, knotless braids, corn rows and other protective styles. This was by far my favorite day because it was the skill area I was least comfortable. 

7. Learn from the best

Wella Studios in L.A. is internationally famous, empowering beauty professionals with education that unleashes our potential and sparks creativity. The educators did such a great job going so in depth into all of the topics that they covered. And I can’t wait for Rene Gadar to come to Minnesota and teach us her braiding class!



Sena S. is an advanced designer at our Eagan Station location. You can follow her on Instagram at @hairbysena.


The Cole’s Salon Texture Team has been diving into a number of training opportunities lately, including with Naomi Dove and Juan Perez. We are excited to continue improving our skills to serve the needs of individuals with all hair types!  

If you’re interested in having access to quality training opportunities like this, consider joining the Cole’s team.



Sena Sebion

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