The Beginner’s Guide to Eyelash Extensions

If it seems like all the women in your Instagram feed have grown longer, darker, thicker eyelashes overnight, chances are they’ve just gotten lash extensions. The treatment has become incredibly popular, and for good reason—they provide ultra long lashes in just a few hours, are semi-permanent and have minimal upkeep. But like anything beauty-related, I always recommend doing your research before committing to any big changes. After all, eyelash styling should never be a one-size-fits-all approach.

Eyelash Extensions 101
At Cole’s Salon, we exclusively use NovaLash eyelash extensions. NovaLash is an award-winning long-lasting, pharmaceutical-grade professional eyelash extension system. I love using NovaLash because it’s so easy, and looks oh-so-good. So, how exactly does NovaLash work?

I like to explain eyelash extensions like I explain artificial nails. You start out with a bare set of lashes, then a Certified NovaLash Professional (like me!) spends about two to three hours applying the lashes. Unlike traditional false eyelashes, which are applied as a single strip and last only a couple of days, NovaLash eyelash extensions are individual, synthetic extensions singularly bonded to each natural lash to create a longer, thicker more glamorous look. Because the extensions are applied to a single eyelash, it’s perfectly safe and will not inhibit the growth of natural lashes. As natural lashes grow and fall out, the extensions will grow and fall out along with them!

Upkeep in the Salon
Just as nails grow out and need to be touched up, eyelash extensions need some extra love, too. It’s important to set up an appointment every three to four weeks to get your lashes filled. This is done by simply replacing the lashes that have fallen out with your natural growth cycle and restoring their fullness. Fills typically take about an hour out of your day, once a month. Not bad, eh?

Upkeep at Home
At home, there are a few key steps to keeping your lashes in tip-top shape. Don’t worry, they are simple! At the end of your service, you will be given a brush that looks similar to the brush on your mascara. Every morning, brush through and separate your lashes, as they can stick together when you sleep. Simply brushing them will fluff up and fan the lashes back out. I recommend keeping one in your purse to touch up if needed during the day.

Be careful to stay away from eye makeup that includes ingredients such as carbonates and glycols. This includes mascaras, eyeliners, and eyeshadows. These ingredients will break down the adhesive and cause your lashes to fall out. NovaLash does make a mascara that is safe for use with the extensions, however, most clients feel they don’t need to use any mascara at all! With other lash brands, you have to be careful with your lashes after they are first applied because the glue needs time to cure. With NovaLash, we are able to cure your lashes before you leave your appointment so that you can get them wet right away.

Picture-Perfect Lashes
If you’re interested in getting picture-perfect lashes for yourself and eliminating precious time getting ready in the morning, call your nearest Cole’s Salon to set up a consultation. We’re happy to talk through the process and answer any questions you have!


Jaclyn D’Amico is an Advanced Esthetician and Certified NovaLash Professional at Cole’s Salon and Spa, Eagan Station. You can make an appointment with her at (651) 456-9454.



Jaclyn D’Amico

4 Responses

  1. That’s interesting that professional lash extensions will grow and fall out with natural eyelashes. My wife was talking about getting some extensions recently, so I’ll see if I can help her find a place where she can get a certified professional for extensions. Also, thanks for the tip to set up an appointment for every three or four weeks to get lashes filled.

  2. I appreciate that you explained how it is important to be educated about the process of lash extensions and how eyelashes should never be a one-size-fits-all thing. My sister is very excited about getting thicker eyelashes. I would probably tell her about your article and how important it is to be informed about this procedure. Thanks!

  3. I want to get some nice eyelash extensions, but I’m not sure how to put them together. It makes sense that I would want to work with a professional to ensure that I do that properly. I wouldn’t want to do it myself and have them not look good.

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