“The Little Things” — a repost by Molly G.

Molly Hiller's Blog

When we saw this post on Molly’s blog, we just had to ask her if we could share it with our Cole’s family. Molly—thank you for embodying the true spirit of Cole’s, and for helping a client when she needed you most.

We love you!

I absolutely love my job. Do I complain about it at times? Absolutely! Who doesn’t, right?  But over the last few weeks I have had a few reminders of why I love my job so much.

I love the beauty industry and being creative and artistic, but most of all I absolutely love the relationships I develop with my clients. I love living life with them. I love getting excited when they share the news with me that they are engaged, adding to the family, going on vacation, etc.  I truly get as excited as they are because these people mean the world to me! I am in the industry where I completely rely on my clients.  If I didn’t have them, I would most likely be homeless and eating uncooked ramen noodles.  I am grateful for these people.

Unfortunately in life things aren’t always happy.  Yes, I love living life with my clients but at times it’s hard, really hard.  These are friends, family, people I legitimately care for.  A couple weeks ago I had a client come in wanting a super cute pixie cut! I got excited and said, “How fun! Ready for a change?”.  She responded with the words that I dread hearing.  “I started chemo yesterday.”  My heart sunk, I felt terrible.  She was in the best spirits.  I was so proud of her for holding herself so strong.  I cut her hair (it looked adorable) and told her the service was on me today.  I offered to go to her home and shave her head when she was ready.  A couple weeks later, she sent me a message letting me know it was time.

I honestly did what felt right.  I was thinking about her in all of this.  Thinking about her sweet girls and her husband.  Thinking about if this was my mom, how would I want her to be treated?  I tend to do this a lot with clients, it honestly makes you treat them the absolute best.  You would never do your family or friends wrong.  All of your clients are something, whether it be a mother, daughter, grandfather, ect.  In situations like this, treating your clients as if they were family is rewarding.

Yesterday my boss came to me with a letter.  As I read the letter I had tears welling up in my eyes.  This letter was written by my sweet client’s husband.  It was so sweet and so humbling.  He wrote to my boss saying how thankful they were to have me during this difficult time.  How I made this difficult time in their life just a little bit easier.  I did something so simple.  Something that just felt right.

Thank you to all of my clients for letting me in.  Thank you for letting me live life moments with you whether it be the happiest of times or the lowest of times.  I truly appreciate each and every one of you.  Thank you for allowing me to love what I do every single day.

The little things.. That’s what life is all about.


Little Miss

Molly is an Advanced Designer at Cole’s Salon Savage. Learn more about her or check out her blog!



Cole's Salon

One Response

  1. How wonderful of you Molly. I have been coming to Cole’s in Eagan since it opened. I have dealt with at least 10 of your employees. Hair, nails and face. When someone I really likes leaves, I am so worried the next one will not be as kind, fun & professional. I now have 3 women who are my beauty makers. Lisa (nails) Heather (face) and Judy (hair). Thank you all for making this 68 year old woman happy and beautiful…..

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