The Cole’s Crew Answers: “What’s your Word for 2023?”

Words are powerful.

Your words can lift someone up or tear someone down. They have the ability to teach, to motivate and to show empathy. Words can also set intentions. I think that is why there is a growing trend for people to “pick their word for the year.”  

At Cole’s this year, many of us decided to pick a word to set our intentions for 2023. See our team’s words, PLUS read how I picked mine below. We hope you find some inspiration for how you are approaching your new year!

Tammy | Advanced Designer | Burnsville

Jen | Advanced Designer | Burnsville

Kelly | Advanced Esthetician | Apple Valley

Kelsey | Advanced Designer | Apple Valley

Emma | Esthetician | Savage

Tracy | Advanced Esthetician | Apple Valley

Tina | Advanced Designer | Burnsville

Amy | Advanced Designer | Burnsville

Hannah | Designer | Burnsville

How I chose my word


First, reflect on the past year. For some of us this might be looking back at a journal we kept. For me, I spent some time looking through photos of 2022. They captured so many highlights of my family and friends.They reminded me of the growth I experienced and the setbacks.They provided the highlight reel for me to think about how I wanted 2023 to look for myself and those closest to me.

It’s Goal Time 

Second, I wrote down a few goals I have for myself both personally and professionally in 2023. What am I hoping to accomplish this year, what relationships do I want to strengthen? How do I want to make an impact on others?    

Time to Visualize

A vision board is a collage of images that expresses your goals and intentions, it helps visualize where you are going. I used my vision board to help my brain piece together which words resonated with me the most. If this feels like too much work you can simply brainstorm a list of words that resonate with you.

These three steps helped me choose my word for 2023. I hope it can help you choose the word you want to live in 2023 as well!

Heather Ehresman is the Director of Team Development at Cole’s Salon.



Heather Ehresman

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