Seven Habits of Highly Effective Salon Employees

Several years ago my boss signed me up for a three-day workshop. THREE WHOLE DAYS! Single, in my 20s at the time and not really sure the direction my life was going, I smiled politely and secretly hoped there wouldn’t be a lot of class participation! I tried to put my nerves aside as I walked into the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People workshop a few weeks later and began learning about skills that I still use today.

I wouldn’t say the class was life-changing or that I walked away a different person, but it did give me new perspective on how much control and responsibility I had in my own life.  The “habits” were not new ideas, however the way to approach and respond to each habit was. At the end of the workshop, I was still single and still afraid of public speaking, but I at least had a clear idea of what direction I wanted to take my life, and a clear vision of what my career could become!

Fast forward a few years later—my career and public speaking skills progressed, and so did my career. As I advanced to a corporate training position in my former company, my boss approached me with an opportunity to certify in the Seven Habits for Highly Effective People workshop. I would have the chance to TEACH these skills to others! I jumped at the chance and flew to Atlanta to learn more about the habits I had adopted into my life.

Heather - Cole's SalonFast forward a few more years—I got married, started thinking about having kids, and had made the move to Cole’s Salon. Low and behold, the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People came with me—in my vision for the position I was about to move into and into the relationships I was forming at my new job. The Seven Habits were skills that continued to push my vision of what I wanted for my life and how I wanted to help others see their own potential in life!

I will soon be celebrating 10 years of service at Cole’s Salon. It’s hard to believe in those 10 years I have had three kids, moved to the “burbs,” and become a bona fide public speaker.  As Doug and I sat down to discuss my goals for 2016, the Seven Habits came into the conversation.  Once again, I was given a can’t-miss opportunity—the chance to teach Cole’s team members about these habits I adopted so long ago. Yes, in a different format and environment—but still the chance to show other’s the potential they have to create a vision for themselves—not only in their careers, but for their lives.





Heather Ehresman

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