Perfecting the Men’s Cut with Bb.Man

Earlier this month, a few of our designers headed to New York City to sharpen their men’s barbering skills through Bumble University’s Bb.Man class. From razor skills to clipper techniques, Liz and Angela came back with new confidence and tips for the perfect men’s cut.

Here’s what Liz had to say:

“My time at BbMan was awesome! Bumble and bumble does such a good job with well-organized education. They are very thorough and hands-on in their demos. Most people know that I love cutting men’s hair and all the barbering techniques that come with it, so this class was right up my alley. I learned so much with using the straight-edge razor for a full short men’s cut! It gives such a texture that men are looking for currently that can not be achieved with the clipper in certain areas. A combination of the clipper and razor is really the way to go. Men’s barbering has become so popular in the last couple years and I’m excited to share what we learned with these razor cuts. I want Cole’s to be the salon that men feel can give them a trendy cut!” – Liz Youngman

Thanks to Bumble and bumble for helping keeping our skills and passion razor-sharp!



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