Men’s Hair Trends: The Stamped Part

Cole's Salon - Stamped PartAt Cole’s Salon, we’re seeing an awesome trend—men actually caring about their hair style! Lucky for us, our stylists are well-trained in the perfect men’s cut.

One of the major trends I am seeing more and more of is the stamped part—a shaved line on the side of the head that gives a line of separation between the longer top and shorter side.

Every time I suggest this cut, my clients give me a questionable look.

“A shaved line down the side of my head—WHY?!”
Well, here are a few reasons why a stamped part can be just the right choice:

  1. A stamped part gives a clean line of separation—when you go to style your hair you know exactly where the short and long separate. You don’t have to fuss in the mirror trying to get the long pieces where they belong.
  2. It gives your haircut a very clean and polished look. It cleans up some of those random hairs right at your hairline to make it very clean into the part.
  3. Gives you a trendy haircut while still keeping it professional.

I highly recommend giving the stamped part a try—I have clients ages 20 to 50 that have loved it. It grows back quick enough that if it isn’t for you, it will be grown out by your next haircut.

And if you want any styling products to make your new, trendy haircut stay in place, here are some of my favorite products: Oribe Rock Hard Gel, Bumble and bumble Grooming Cream and Aveda Grooming Clay. All available at any Cole’s Salon location!

Erin Caruso is an Advanced Designer at Cole’s Salon Cedar Cliff. Learn more about her or follow her on Instagram!



Erin Caruso

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