Mastering Men’s Cuts With Celeb Groomer John Mosley

Did you know that Cole’s Salon has been specializing in men’s haircutting for more than 30 years, and that every Cole’s designer is fully trained in traditional barber-style cutting? Whether you are looking for a professional business cut, a well-groomed taper or the latest trend, our designers are ready and excited to deliver any men’s style.

That’s why we were thrilled to have John Mosley, celebrity barber and world-class educator, visit us for some men’s grooming education last month. In just one day, 60+ Cole’s designers learned all about short cuts, faded sides, disconnected tops, textured hair, and the various tools that can help achieve any length and look.

Here are some takeaways from the class that we’ll be sharing with our team and using with our guests:

Precision is key.

In our men’s education classes, our designers are trained to do everything freehand—which means precisions is the foundation of our work. As John said, anyone can use a guarded clipper, but developing precision skills early on helps designers shape and master any haircut, with many different tools.

Tools are what make the haircut excellent.

John explained the importance of choosing the right tool for different haircuts and different shapes—they allow us to customize any haircut and achieve that precision we’re all after. The class was sponsored by Hattori Hanzo shears, so we were able to learn all about the different kinds of shears available, which ones to use in the haircutting process, and why they are used by many of the top stylists in the world.

Passion is primary.

More than anything, John reminded us that we must trust our instincts, lean on our professional skills, and remember our passion to be the best designers we can be. We know what looks best, what suits our clients’ faces, and how their hair will react, so we should tailor each cut accordingly.

Other Takeaways

I was so excited to hear that other designers in attendance were blown away by this class. Everyone loved John, his teaching style, and were extremely impressed by his skill set. Here’s what some of them had to say:

“Hands down, best class I’ve ever attended. I learned so much from John, and he’s such a talented barber!” – Jenna Buck, Cole’s Salon Burnsville

“I think it’s safe to say this was by far one of my favorite classes. Thanks for this amazing opportunity, and thank you John—you were awesome!” – Bri Foster, Cole’s Salon Burnsville

“This class was the highlight of my week, month, and quite possibly my entire time at Cole’s Salon. I can’t believe I got to spend time learning from John. The man is not only incredibly gifted, but also tremendously passionate about barbering.” – Sharalee Attema, Cole’s Salon Burnsville

Thanks to John and Hattori Hanzo for helping keep our skills and passion razor-sharp!

Liz Youngman is an Advanced Designer at Cole’s Salon Burnsville. You can follow her on Instagram at @lizblaze.



Liz Youngman

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