Grow More, Healthier Hair with Hush & Hush’s Clinically-Proven System

Many people are surprised to hear that over 50% of women will experience hair loss at some point in their lives. It is totally normal and often arrives with stress, hormone changes, or new medications. If you’re looking to support your hair through life’s changes, DeeplyRooted is a great option!

The DeeplyRooted Hair System offers a complete hair growth program, with a shampoo, conditioner, hair serum, and supplement, all clinically proven to grow hair and improve scalp health.

 “The Deeply Rooted Hair care system is an easy 3 step system to thicken & regrow your thinning hair. I saw results in 3 ½ weeks around my hair line and in my recession areas. The results were faster and more significant than any other hair loss product I have experienced! It smells and feels refreshing on the scalp! If you have experienced any hair loss in your life and want to try a hair care system to regrow hair, try this- it does work!”Emily Stickler, Advanced Designer at Cedar Cliff

How Does it Work?

This complete hair health supplement harnesses the power of proven vitamins, minerals, botanicals and patented ingredients to stop thinning hair and hair loss in its tracks. Maria from Hush & Hush broke down how it works for us: DeeplyRooted has two plant-based proprietary ingredient blends: a Hair Growth Complex, Capixyl™ and Polypeptide Complex, RootVioTec™ – both packed with vitamins, minerals, and other daily essentials for happy, healthy hair.

  • Capixyl™ is derived from the Clover Flower, which helps to active follicle regeneration for 3x faster hair growth. 
  • RootBioTec™ is derived from the plant source Basil, and this helps to reduce hair loss by inhibiting 5-alpha reductase activity and stimulating the dermal papilla cells.

Clinically Proven

Hush & Hush’s tagline is The Secret is Science. Maria shared results from a published third-party clinical study where they worked with men & women who were concerned with general hair loss. The study volunteers used the DeeplyRooted Hair System for 3 months and they found that:

  • 78% saw an increase in hair growth
  • There was a 33.3% decrease in hair loss during the pull test, and
  • There was a 72% decrease in dry scalp and itching. 

Whether you’re experiencing the first signs of hair changes or have been dealing with less-than-perfect hair for a while, DeeplyRooted feeds the body with the nutrients it needs to shift the hair out of the resting phase and back into the growing phase. Here’s to the start of always having a good hair day!



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