Dear Guest: A Day in the Life of a FIT Member

Our First Impressions Team (FIT) members are the first people you see when you enter the doors of Cole’s Salon & Spa, and the last people to greet you as you leave. Among their responsibilities—the very important task of making you feel as welcome and comfortable as possible. So what’s an average day like for a FIT member? Below, Ashley DeMarais shares “a day in the life.”

Dear Guest,

Welcome to our salon and to the Cole’s Salon & Spa family. We are happy that you’re here and want your experience to be nothing less than perfect.

Before your appointment—we clean, fold towels, make coffee, and bring in the paper so you have everything you need while you wait for your appointment.

When you arrive—we smile and welcome you to our salon. Not because we feel like we have to, but because we’re genuinely happy to see you. We’re excited to see what ideas you have from Instagram, and love when we see your service provider greet you like a life-long friend. We remember when you first met each other, and now you’re like family.

After your appointment—we love to see how beautiful you look. We see you radiating, and wonder who else will be lucky enough to see you today. We ask if you want to schedule your next appointment because we remember the last time you were in you told us about a big wedding you’re attending in the fall, and we want to make sure you have your hair done for the special event. We ask what you are doing for the rest of the day because we care. We hope you have a nice night, and we mean it.

At the end of the day—we tidy up and turn off the lights. As we lock the doors, we can’t help but smile because we are fortunate to know you and all of our guests. Tomorrow there will be new memories, new guests, new stories and new experiences. But for now, we go home—filled with joy and gratitude.

Until next time,

Your FIT Team <3

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If you’re in the beauty industry (or would like to be) and find joy in making people feel happy and beautiful—join our Cole’s Salon team of happy, balanced, highly-skilled professionals whose dreams and passions are fulfilled. We’re hiring for all positions—learn more here.



Ashley DeMarais

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