Dark to Light in One Day

We have all seen the celebrity hair transformations—one day they’re sporting jet black hair, and the next they’re a platinum blonde. With such a drastic change, exactly how realistic are these transformations? What would it take to go from one extreme to the next in a matter of days?

As a stylist, I hear these questions all the time. My clients often sit in my chair wanting to go from black to blonde but don’t have a clear understanding of what the process entails. The good news is, it’s totally possible. With the right approach and consultation, anyone can rock blonde locks in a matter of hours—even me and my naturally black hair. Here’s my six-hour journey of going brunette to blonde:

At the end of the day, the cost breakdown of the brunette-to-blonde process was:

  • Three stages of lightener = $255
  • Adding Brazilian Bond Builder to help prevent further damage = $75
  • Adding two toners and a near 5-inch haircut = $81
  • Conditioning treatments = $80
  • Taking home approximately $200 in products to maintain hair
  • Total = $691

    I’m not sure how long I’ll hang on to my light locks, but I’m reveling in the experience for now. In the meantime, I’m focusing on keeping my hair healthy with my favorite Oribe products: Oribe Gold Lust Nourishing Hair Serum, Oribe Gold Lust Repair & Restore Shampoo and Conditioner, and Oribe Supershine Moisturizing Cream.

    If you’re interested in making any dramatic hair color changes, call us today and schedule a consultation!



    Kassie Dudley

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