Creating Bigger Hair and Bigger Dreams at the easihair pro Summit

A few years ago, I was loving my job but was feeling like I needed more. I needed something to help fuel my fire and ignite my passion again. I was already certified to apply easihair pro extensions, so when I found out that I could become an easihair educator, I jumped at the chance and it quickly became my new calling.

I love teaching. It allows me to impact the lives of others and continue learning my craft on a different level. A few months ago, I was thrilled to join easihair experts and designers from across the Twin Cities for the easihair pro Summit—a day full of having fun, making new friends, and learning the latest and greatest in hair loss solutions.

Gina Howard, top easihair educator, and Bobbi Russell, creator of the Revive hair piece, kicked off the day with new product information and insider styling pro-tips. Next, I talked to the group about easiLengths hair extensions, which are created from 100% human hair and can be used for added length, volume, and/or color. I showed the group how to apply the pieces, and demonstrated how just a few pieces can give anyone a fuller look.

Around 10 Cole’s team members attended—here’s what my coworker Kaila Pfeil had to say:

“My biggest takeaway from the Summit is there is an easihair product for everyone. Even just adding some temporary color can do wonders! easihair pro offers so many different colors, even new grey tones—reaching all ages and styles. And as an added bonus, they don’t damage hair while wearing them or when taking them out. They’re also very discreet, so no one will ever know you’re wearing them.

But more than anything, the event made me love easihair products even more—they really just help people feel good about their hair, and that’s why we do what we do.”

Want to know more?
All of our locations have designers who are certified and able to apply easiLengths and only a few are certified to apply the Revive piece (you can read more about that here). If easihair products sound right to you or someone you know—give us a call. We’d love to be part of this life-changing decision!

Janet Lundeen is an Advanced Designer at Cole’s Salon Eagan Station. You can make an appointment with her by calling 651-456-9454.



Janet Lundeen

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