Cheers to 20 Years: Celebrating our Partnership Anniversary with IMAGE Skincare

Did you know that Cole’s Salon became the very first spa partner to IMAGE Skincare in 2003? This January, we celebrated the 20-year anniversary of our partnership! It was such an exciting day and inspiring evening, I know that I cannot wait for what’s to come next in our partnership with IMAGE! 

Starting the Day in Style

Estheticians started the festivities early with a class at our learning center, located at the Burnsville salon. We started with a complimentary breakfast, as well as gifts from our IMAGE support team to get the day started!

We spent the morning learning about new skincare products that will be launching in March (which we are sooooo excited about!) and observing a live demonstration of a new and improved peel protocol. One of the things I love most about IMAGE Skincare is their constant drive to continue to improve their line and their ability to stay on top of new, innovative ingredients to improve their products. The level of education we receive from IMAGE is always top-notch, with no details left behind. By the time our Image class came to an end, we were eager about new products and the event to come that evening!

Celebrating 20 years with Image’s Founder

Our nighttime celebration was the first partnership I have had the opportunity to attend in my time at Cole’s, so I was extremely excited for the night to come! Our evening event was held at the Ames Center, welcoming us with music, food, and beverages to start the night. No detail was left behind!

Janna Ronert, the founder and chairwoman of IMAGE Skincare, was our guest speaker. She began the night by sharing her journey in the skincare world, which eventually led her to founding IMAGE Skincare. The journey she shared was incredibly inspiring for each and every one in attendance. Throughout the night, Janna touched on a few of her most lived by quotes, which I felt to be extremely powerful. 

“The Lazy Are Never Lucky”
I find this message to be an important quote to live by, especially in our industry. In a commission based industry, you get out what you put into it. Being passive to your success is not going to get you anywhere; there isn’t any special luck that will determine your success, only hard work. 

“Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.” – Oprah Winfrey
Education has always and will always be Doug Cole’s number one focus at Cole’s Salon. I feel IMAGE Skincare finds the same value in education as Cole’s, which is made apparent through their countless educational opportunities. 

As the night continued, we celebrated members of our team and their successes throughout the years with IMAGE. By the time our day of celebration had ended, I had never felt more grateful to be a part of such an incredible company and partnership with IMAGE Skincare.

Emma Norstedt is an esthetician at Cole’s Salon in Savage. You can follow her Instagram at @emmaxesthetics.



Emma Norstedt

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