Our products are about choice and attitude. Select products and wear them as your mood shifts from day to day, outfit to outfit, event to event or season to season. Get to know each product individually and though you’ll naturally gravitate to several favorites, be adventurous. Some people go for gritty, matte textures and choose Surf Spray or Sumotech.

Others prefer more polished finishes and reach for Semisumo, Straight Blow Dry or Hairdresser’s Invisible Oil Family. Minimalists and naturalists swear by Prêt-à-powder, Prep, or Tonic Lotion, or a hint of Grooming Creme. Leading ladies make it big with Thickening Hairspray, Dryspun Finish or Full Form Mousse. The naturally curly spring for Curl Conscious products.

Regardless of your preference, we’re sure you’ll find something to love and, like hairdressers worldwide, come to depend on.

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