Fun and Easy Spring Hairstyles

Love finding new ways to style your hair? Do your mornings have the largest to-do list with the shortest amount of time? I have four fun and easy hairstyles that you can do quickly at home before the craziness of your day starts. The lack of time doesn’t have to mean an absence of style! 

Here are four easy hairstyles that are pretty enough to become your go-to looks.

Double Dutch Braid Pony

One of the easiest ways to liven up your look! Start by parting hair down the center of your head. Starting on one side of the part, take a two-inch section of hair near your hairline and loosely Dutch-braid it (i.e., cross the pieces of hair under rather than over to make the braid pop out). Continue braiding as far down as you’d like to go, and tie it off with a clear elastic. Repeat on the other side.

Join the braided ponytails in back and tie them together with another clear elastic. Top it off with a cute scrunchie—and you’re set for a morning at the farmers market or backyard patio hangs.

Silk Hair Scarf 

Take the attention away from your day-old hair by incorporating a scarf into your long pony. Take your Oribe Gold Lust Dry Shampoo to add texture to your hair, give your hair some subtle waves with your ghd styler, loosely pull back your hair and tie it off with a clear elastic. Smooth your hair with Oribe’s Supershine Light Moisturizing Cream, and pull out a few front pieces to frame your face. Then finish with your prettiest, silkiest scarf in the back!

High Pony + Scrunchy Sitch

Scrunchies are one of the essential accessories for spring! Pair ‘em with a messy high pony, and you’re golden. Here’s how: Begin to pull your hair up and gather it at the top of the crown of the head. Fasten it into a high ponytail with your scrunchie. If there are fly-aways, don’t sweat it—that’s part of the “messy” look! Finish off by spraying a texture product on the lengths of the hair to give it more movement. 

Double Bubble Braids

A fun and quick way to spruce up a hat day! To master the double bubble braid, first part your hair down the middle. Section the first side by grabbing a section of hair at the top of one side and tie off with a clear elastic. Clip that ponytail up and out of the way so you can collect your next section—once secture, tie off with another elastic. Now that we have two ponies, unclip the top pony and divide down the middle into two equal sections. Next, take the second pony and clip on the top of your head. Take the two sections of the top layer and add it to another section, and tie off with an elastic. You now have your first pull-through “bubble,” and you can repeat on each side until you’ve used all of your hair. Once both sides are done, gently pull apart the bubbles so they look full and a little messy. 

Here’s to hoping your spring days are full of sun, smiles—and style!

Lauren Oberg is an Advanced Designer at our Eagan Station salon. You can follow her on Instagram at



Lauren Oberg

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