Battle Your Biggest Beauty Blunders

Nothing makes us feel better than when a client tells us we’ve made them feel their very best, or watching a bride tear up after her wedding trial run. That’s why we do what we do!

But it’s not all shiny hair, bouncy blowouts and flawless eyeliner. Nobody’s perfect, and sometimes you might find yourself looking in the mirror and wondering what went wrong. Spoiler alert: Nothing! Things like tired eyes, damaged hair or red spots are just a bump in the road, and it’s our job to help you conquer these things, too. We know you’re beautiful both inside and out.

To help you make it through those beauty blunders, here are some tips and tricks to make you feeling beautiful again:

Hair loss. Unfortunately, thinning hair is a reality for a lot of us. Maybe you lost some hair after having a baby, or perhaps aging has caused your formerly thick hair to shed faster. It’s hard to make your hair grow back without the aid of medication, but you can fight hair loss by keeping your hair healthy and strong. We always recommend Aveda’s three-step Invati system to our clients who are experiencing hair loss. The shampoo exfoliates the scalp, while the conditioner thickens and moisturizes hair to help keep it soft and strong. The Scalp Revitalizer, when used daily, helps reduce hair loss due to breakage. Invati has been so popular that Aveda recently introduced a version just for men!

Dry, flaky skin. There could be a few reasons why your skin looks dull and dry. The weather is changing, which means you might need to try a richer, more emollient moisturizer. If you’re really feeling blah, your skin may benefit from a light chemical peel (or a series of peels) to encourage cell turnover and skin renewal. You could also be suffering from the dreaded “skincare rut,” as Rachel so aptly called it in her blog. Changing up a few products might be the key to more radiant, brighter skin.

Acne. We always thought we’d stop getting zits when we left our teens behind, but of course that’s not the case. We still get a pimple or two around that time of the month, or when we’ve been eating too much junk food and not enough greens. If you’re struggling with acne, we can help! Eminence Organics is one of our favorite lines to recommend to clients with acne because its ingredients come from nature and are carefully selected for a variety of skincare concerns. Of course, if your skin has been breaking out like crazy and you don’t know why, it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor first.

Short, bitten nails. It’s so hard to stop biting your nails. We totally understand! Getting regular manicures is one of the easiest ways to break the habit, because when you’re spending money on making your hands look pretty, you’re less likely to want to chew them up.

Damaged hair and breakage. If you’ve bleached your hair past the point of no return or spent too much time with the flatiron, we hate to tell you this: You gotta cut your losses and start again. Trimming the dead ends will make your hair look and feel so much better. Trust us.

Aches and pains. Tense shoulders from sitting at a desk all day? Are you experiencing headaches from staring at a screen? Do your feet hurt? Feeling stressed and overworked is no fun at all, so book a long, luxurious massage to help soothe that tension. Think about it as an investment for your health and well-being. We won’t tell.

No matter your beauty blunder, we’ve got you covered. Check out the variety of services we offer, or ask your designer about their favorite products. We have something for everyone!



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