
Sunshine, Sunglasses and SPF — Hello, Summer!

Summer is quickly approaching and we all know the importance of SPF for long days at the lake, but sometimes we forget that wearing SPF is important every day of the year, even if you aren’t planning on spending the day outside. Wearing an SPF everyday is the most important thing you can do for […]

Sunshine, Sunglasses and SPF — Hello, Summer!

Summer is here and we all know the importance of SPF for long days at the lake. But sometimes we forget that wearing SPF is important every day of the year, even if you aren’t planning on spending the day outside.

Six New Lip Colors for Fall

Fall is almost is here, and you know what that means—it’s time to swap out your lighter, brighter shades for rich, deep berry hues. If you’re looking for a lip color or two to match those chunky sweaters, tights and boots—Carlee from Eagan Station has some color recommendations for you.