Popping Color with Pulp Riot

Forget the traditional monochrome look and behold one of the hottest new hair trends—bright, bold, multi-colored hair. From dreamy pink hues to funky unicorn blends, the whimsical magic of this new color trend is perfect for summer. To help us prepare, Pulp Riot Hair stopped by Cole’s Salon earlier this week for a hair coloring workshop.

Nearly 20 of our designers came together to learn how to create master works of art. Because let’s be honest, hair coloring is now a legit art form. Check out why we love Pulp Riot below, and the results of our day-long workshop.

What makes Pulp Riot so different?
The quality and longevity! Why? Because they use superior dyes. There are thousands of choices of dyes, and they do not skimp or cut corners. If used with sulfate-free or color-safe shampoo and conditioner, the color can last up to 42 washes! It’s a semi-permanent color line that fades more true to tone. It is also vegan, gluten-free and free of ammonia and parabens!

So what does Pulp Riot color look like?
Here are some of the out-of-this-world results from the workshop that pushed us out of our comfort zones and challenged us to think outside the box.

Thirsty for more?
Sometimes all you need in life is a little splash of color! Let one of our color-trained designers put that to work and let’s have some fun! Contact us with questions or schedule a consultation today.



Alyssa Rogers

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