7 Winter Skincare Secrets

There’s no denying that winter in Minnesota is a major thing. Think about it—what’s the main topic of elevator or water cooler conversation from November to April? The weather, of course. Winter has its fair share of greatness; there’s nothing prettier than a fresh snow, and it’s fun to get all bundled up and venture outside on a balmy 30-degree day. Oh, and what’s better than a cup of hot cocoa after some skiing or skating? Nothing! What isn’t so great about winter, however, is the effect that cold and chilly weather can have on your skin.

Luckily, you have a few options come wintertime; you can skip town and take up residence in Arizona or Palm Springs, or you can be prepared to spend January through March (and sometimes April, who are we kidding) hydrated and happy even when it’s -35 windchill outside. Here’s how.

1. Swap out your go-to products.

All skin types need extra moisture and hydration when it’s cold outside. The temperature, combined with the super-drying heater blasting in your car and in your home, can leave your skin feeling dry and thirsty, so start adding more hydrating products to your skincare routine ASAP. Start with a more moisturizing cleanser than you usually use, and skip anything that’s too drying or intense. Even oily skin types need extra moisture come winter; while dry skin types will want to use a much rich moisturizer AM and PM, oily types can opt for something just a bit heavier than their summer go-to.

2. Don’t forget to exfoliate!

Even though you’re covered up in layers of clothing, you still need to exfoliate all that dead, dull skin—from head to toe. You can do this via chemical exfoliation with toners or even a peel or two at the spa, or opt for physical exfoliation with a body scrub, washcloth, or dry brushing. Exfoliation helps bring new skin cells to the surface and gets rid of all the dull, dry old skin. If you’ve noticed your skin looks blah lately, try some exfoliation! And if you’re exfoliating at home, remember to be gentle with your skin; don’t play too rough or you could scratch its gentle surface.

3. Be smart.

Don’t go outside on freezing cold days without the proper accessories: hats, scarves, and gloves or mittens. OUCH. Keep your lips covered with a hydrating balm whenever you’re outside; keep a tube of your favorite one in your bag, jacket, and in the car so you’re never without it!

4. Visit the spa.

Like you needed an excuse! Hitting up the spa for a facial or another service is an excellent way to spend a wintry afternoon, and our star estheticians can help keep your skin feeling happy and healthy during the cold days. Maybe that means a chemical peel! You *definitely* deserve a massage.

5. Don’t forget your hands and feet. 

Nothing’s worse than cold, cracked dry hands and feet. Remember how your mom would coat her hands and feet in heavy moisturizer and wear gloves and socks to bed? She was onto something. There’s a reason Aveda’s Hand and Foot Relief cremes have become Minnesota cult classics: they work! Be sure to apply every night for best results.

6. Hydrate. 

Drink lots of water and tea to keep your hydration levels up. Beautiful skin is hydrated skin, and the first step to adequate hydration is eight cups of water a day!

7. When all else fails, wear lipstick. 

A bright shade of lipstick will make any day better.

So bundle up and get out there! Just remember to keep your beauty routine winter-proof.




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